American actorAmerican singersongwriter

Toni Braxton

Toni Braxton was born in Harlem, New York City and grew up attending the exclusive private schools known as the “Black Arts School”. She later went on to become one of the world’s top performing musicians and performers. Her musical interests include piano, voice, ballet, reading, writing, music theory, visual arts, dance, printmaking, and photography. Toni Braxton’s biographical information reveals that her life has been full of achievements both in her personal and professional life. She has also been a guest speaker at colleges and universities.

Toni Braxton’s siblings are her mother Agnes and her younger brother Renault. Toni’s mother is said to be a very good life coach and has instilled in Toni all the values that she had as a child. Her sisters, on the other hand, are said to be very loving and supportive with Toni throughout her childhood. They are also said to have encouraged Toni when she lacked self-confidence and doubted her abilities.

Toni Braxton’s September was celebrated by her sister Leyla, who was chosen as the “girl next door” by him. This was followed by Toni’s engagement to fellow artist Russell Crowder on September twenty-first. Leyla is said to have been very instrumental in helping Toni achieve success. Toni’s sister Leyla’s marriage to Russell Crowder was followed by Toni’s studio album “Toni Braxtons” which was released in October of the same year.

As mentioned previously Toni Braxton has three sisters and is thus, a multi-faceted character. Her career has spanned four decades since she was first discovered as a teen star with her first CD. Consequently, she has learned to deal with health issues, both as a performer and as a woman, which have helped to define her career and personal life.

Braxton was recently interviewed on the British talk show “The View,” in an interesting discussion about how music can help with weight loss. Braxton was asked if she thinks music can offer a new perspective to those dealing with serious issues like drug addiction. She responded by claiming that one of the songs she recently wrote with her former band mate Mary J. Blige, “Give Me The Reason,” was inspired by their time spent together in rehab. In the song, Braxton speaks of feeling as though her life is no longer what it used to be, as she battles with alcohol and drug addiction, which has seemingly taken over her life. Mary J. Blige sang the duet with Toni Braxton about how the two women changed their lives and their love for one another.

Toni Braxton recently concluded her first year in rehab, which was documented in the hit song, “Tons of Wine.” In her speech on the “View” show, Toni Braxton explained that while in rehab she had discovered that the things that once caused her stress and despair were now no longer a problem for her. In her words, “Now I’m able to see that I’m not the problem. I am a part of myself. I am toning up my inner strength.”

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