Victoria Song (Sparrow) was born in Qinchang, Shaanxi Province, China on 2 February, 1986. She is an actress, singer, dancer, model, author and singer. Learn Victoria Song’s biography, including her birth date, age, physical stats, career path, family details, dates of marriages and engagements and personal life details. You can also find out more about Victoria Song and where she is presently working.
According to some sources, Victoria Song was born in Qingdao town in the province of Shanxi and was known by the name Sun Lian, given by her father who took the name of his daughter Kang Youren (Korean Name: Seoul Yoon) after the city where she was born. Victoria’s original name was Victoria Sunshine. Some sources say that she is originally from Hong Kong while others say she is from Kaifeng, China. Some sources claim that she has been to Korea four times but all of those accounts are unconfirmed. One possible account is that Kang Youren moved to Kaifeng and got a name there similar to Victoria Song.
From what I have heard, Victoria Song has two older sisters and one younger brother. Her father worked as a rice farmer in Shili county in the Henan province and she grew up singing ku Shui song, which is the traditional Chinese music genre. The book that I read mentions that Song held a scholarship to be a singer but he failed to complete it. He then went to Beijing to study music with Chen Xian who was a famous Chinese songwriter.
Based on my research, Song did not use any kind of glasses or contacts when he took his portrait. In fact, he had dark eyebrows and a light skin color. He was an oval shaped man and his hair was graying at the sides. His eyebrows were very sparse and his eyes were blue like the rest of his face.
Here is one interesting thing about Victoria Song, he never shaved his head. Many people do Chinese character tattoos and they shave their heads along with all of their body hair. This is something I am very concerned with because if you are born under the sign of the tiger and have a thinning hairline, that can mean trouble for you in the future. This is something I am very glad about. In fact, based on my research, this is the first time I have heard of a Chinese person with this characteristic.
Based on all of the information I have researched about Victoria Song, he does have Chinese heritage. He is married to Joyce Knowles and also has two daughters. On his Instagram page, he uses QQ pictures as his profile picture, which is interesting. His real name is Xiaoming Yang and he hails from Chowshong in Shandong Province, which is close to Wuhan in China.