PSC Result 2019 by Teletalk SMS System

PSC Result 2021 by Teletalk is a popular query. All of the people know that the Mobile SMS based Education Board Result is powered by Teletalk. So, Teletalk is the Only Telecom Operator in Bangladesh who Provides Education Board results. All other Operators will get Results from Teletalk. People use Grameenphone, Robi, Banglalink, and Airtel to check their Exam Result. These operators send the Request to Teletalk Education Portal number 16222. Via Teletalk Network, users Receive their Result on their Phone. Teletalk always Publish an Announcement where include Exam Result fast at all in Teletalk. If you have a Teletalk connection, you can get your PSC Result 2021 from it. Details information is available below.

Teletalk has published the result on their Board Website. The Government Mobile Operator Teletalk provides all Public Results by SMS and also controls Online System. Now a day, Most of the Students have a Teletalk Connection (Bornomala, Agami, Mayer Hashi or Other Regular SIM). So, the People Who have a Teletalk Connection can check their own or Family member or Relatives PSC Result 2021 easily from Teletalk Number. A Short Message enough to send the message for Checking the PSC Result 2021 by Teletalk SMS. Details information is available below.

PSC Result by Teletalk Fast Check System

There is no person available who can’t want to check his/her Result Fast from others. According to check PSC Result 2021 by Teletalk, you must send a Message to 16222 with some information. The SMS format is selected and reserved for all people. So, you just need to know the SMS Format and information submitting process. Do you have any idea about this? Or, did you check any Result in the past by Mobile SMS from Teletalk? If yes, it is now very easy for you. If not, don’t worry! You can visit to check PSC Result 2021 by Telatalk at Online.

PSC Result of the Year 2021 will publish at 12 PM on 31 December. So, you can send the Message 12:01 PM to get your Result. The mobile SMS system is not Free! Because a Small Charge is required to avoid spamming.  The SMS Charge is 2.55 TK (Including All Taxes).

We are explaining the details again. Just go to the Message option from your Mobile Phone. First, Type DPE and give space. Second, type your Thana Code and give another space. Finally, type your Roll number and give space. They type 2021 and send the message to 16222. Here is the short version of the SMS Format that is available for you.

DPE <space> Student ID

After sending the message correctly, you will receive your Result in the requested number. If you don’t know your Thana code or want to know more about the system, we recommend you to read another post: PSC Result 2021 by SMS. We hope you will get the details information from the recommended post.

PSC Result by Teletalk [Terms]

Some Conditions are applicable when you will send a message by Teletalk to check your PSC Result. The people who will send the Message before publishing the Result, will not Receive the Result. They will Receive: The Result isn’t published yet. It will publish after 12 PM. Here, 12 PM Example times only. Original time is available on our Main Post. If you send the message with incorrect Format, you will receive a return message: Incorrect SMS Format, Check and Send the Message Correctly. Please be informed that Emergency Balance isn’t eligible to send the message.

We are happy to inform you that, no delay requires checking PSC Result 2021 by Teletalk. Just send the message and get your Result. Please send the message only after publishing the Result officially. For any more updates or more information, please don’t forget to inform us. Thank you for reading the post completely.

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