PSC Result 2021 by SMS [Teletalk PSC Official SMS Format]

PSC Result 2021 by SMS is available. PSC Examine will get their PSC Result by Mobile SMS. In this post, we are describing How to Check PSC Result 2021 by Mobile SMS System? This question is asking us more times. Do you have the same question? Don’t worry. Get your answer now. You can check your Result after publishing the Result Online. You can get your Result at the same time on Mobile SMS and online. Some information requires checking PSC Result 2021 by SMS. You can collect the Information before publishing the result. If you face any problem, feel free to inform us.

What kinds of information requires for getting the PSC Result 2021 by SMS? We are also describing details about this information. In the below section, you will get clear information. Have any Free SMS system of PSC Result 2021? Some people have asked this question to our Facebook page and also via comment. We didn’t approve of these comments. The answer is no. Due to protect spam, Teletalk and Education Board don’t provide PSC Result and Other Result Free via Mobile SMS. Online System is free for all users of Bangladesh and all other locations.

PSC Result 2021 by Mobile SMS System

What process you should follow to check your PSC Result 2021? It is really necessary and important too. So, as a PSC candidate or a Guardian, you must need to decide the Mobile SMS or Online system to check your Result. If the Mobile SMS system is available on your first choice, you are welcome. Everything which you should need to know is available on this Website. Now, follow the official Mobile SMS system and then check your Result quickly. You Mobile Account will charge 2.55 TK for checking this Result.

How to Check PSC Result using Mobile SMS by Teletalk?

Teletalk Bangladesh Limited Published PSC Result 2021 and EBT Result 2021 by Mobile SMS. Anyone can check the Result by sending a Message to 16222 from any Bangladeshi Mobile Number. Already Grameenphone (GP), Banglalink, Robi, Airtel, and Teletalk users Received a process for checking their PSC Result by their Own Mobile Phone. While someone will send a message to 16222 for getting the result from a return SMS from 16222. Mobile SMS Charge is BDT 2.55.

DPE <space> Student ID

How to Check PSC Result 2021 by SMS?

Some easy system is available here to check the PSC Exam Result through Mobile SMS. Teletalk Bangladesh Limited has added these systems. Anyone can follow the DPE Mobile SMS System to check the PSC Result 2018 by SMS. The Popular SMS Format is a Student ID Number based new one. Recently, Teletalk made this system. You can use PSC student ID Number to check the PSC Result by SMS. If you have PSC Roll Number only, you can also check the Result by SMS. You need to have the Thana Code Number. in this footer section of this post, you will get All Districts Thana Code Number for checking DPE (PSC & EBT) Result.

  1. Confirm that result has published
  2. Type message
  3. Send it
  4. Get the result

Necessary Info to Check PSC Result by SMS:

Here are the required data listed. You can collect all of the data to send a message for PSC Result 2021. As an Examine or Guardian, this process is easy for you. So, keep ready these data now:

If you have the student ID number, you don’t need Thana code & Roll Number. You can check your Result by providing Student ID Number. If you don’t have the Student ID Number, you need to provide Thana code and Roll Number. So, check your PSC Result 2021 by SMS easily from any method.

PSC Result 2021 by SMS with Student ID Number

If you have the Student ID Number, you don’t need any other information to get your Result. Just wait for publishing the Result Officially. If the Result has already published; you can send the message now. Just go the message option and type the below format:

DPE <space> Student ID

And send the message to 16222; for Example, Your Student ID is 1120217311262403. You can check your Result by sending a message with:

DPE 1120217311262403 & send to 16222.

After sending, the Result will deliver to your Number. Here the number you have used to send a message. PSC Result by SMS with a Student ID is powered by Teletalk.

PSC Result by SMS with Roll Number:

If you don’t have the Student ID number near you, you can check PSC Result 2021 by SMS with Roll number. It is also an easy system. It is the Original system of PSC Result by Mobile SMS. Here is the SMS format for you. Just go to the message option from your Mobile and type the below information:

DPE <space> Thana Code <space> Roll 

Then send the message to 16222; just type DPE in the message option and give a space. Then type your Thana Code Number and give another space. Then type your Roll number. Give another space and type 2021 (year). Then send the message to 16222.

The procedure of PSC Result by SMS All Board All Year:

  1. Firstly, Go to Mobile Message option
  2. Secondly, type DPE and tape on space
  3. Type your Student ID Number (16 Digits Student ID Number)
  4. Finally, send the message to 16222

Why people Choose Mobile SMS Process for checking PSC Result?

A lot number of people try to check their PSC Result at Online. Due to trying checking Result at Online, people face the Server Down issue. So, most of the people can’t check Result from Online real-time. More times require to check the result. So, if they follow the mobile SMS process, they will get their Result early when the Result will be published.

During Result publish session, you can send the Message with the official SMS Format. You will receive your Result shortly. If you have PSC Roll number only, you can check the result by PSC Thana code number. Check out the Thana code number from the below list.

When I can send Message for PSC Result 2021 by SMS?

Teletalk Bangladesh Limited has informed that the PSC Result 2021 will publish at 02:30 PM on 24 December 2021. So, anyone can send the Message after 02:30 PM to check the Result. Before 02:30 PM, No Result will found due to the Result not published reason. So, Wait for 02:30 PM and check your Result by using Mobile SMS.

The benefit of PSC Result SMS System:

There are too many benefits available on the PSC Result SMS system. Primary Somaponi Result publishes on Mobile SMS & Online System. The benefits of a Mobile SMS system is it doesn’t need any Internet connection, Smartphone/Laptop/PC. Low skill person also can use this PSC Result SMS System 2021 to check their Result Quickly. While someone will try sending Message, It will be sent successfully instantly. No delay in sending the Message. There are many other benefits available. We’ll inform you later again.

PSC Result 2021 by SMS Thana Code List:

Here is the All Thana DPE Code number. Just find out your Thana code number under Your District Name. We have added a Specific Thana code user District name. Gov Result BD Team verified the Thana code by the Authority.

Currently, People are checking their PSC Result by using their Student ID Number. Some years ago, the Student ID number was unavailable. That time everybody used Thana code number to check their Result from their Mobile Phone. Now everyone has the Student ID Number. So, We have removed all Thana code number from this post.

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